The Knowledge Centre
At the core of the SHERLOCK project lies our Knowledge Centre, which aims to create a framework to enhance the skills of the workforce in the building energy and finance sectors, and promote continuous learning. 
Community engagement
We foster a community of professionals and organisations committed to advance energy efficient building renovation and the integration of green and digital skills.  
Co-design educational programmes
We work together to develop and implement educational and training programmes aimed at enhancing skills in the building energy renovation sector.
We acknowledge and promote best practices in the field of building energy renovation.

The Pan-European Knowledge Centre

Pan-European Knowledge Centre
  • Obtain information from the national Knowledge Centres and inform overall strategies, framework and policies.
  • Provide information to the Knowledge Centres on the European state of the art and global strategies and validation of developed content.
  • Disseminate and exploit at large.
National Knowledge Centres
  • Assess stakeholders and end-users needs.
  • Inform and consult relevant stakeholders.
  • Co-design with target end-users and validate.
  • Support validation with relevant decision-makers.
  • Disseminate and exploit within context.
Local Stakeholders
  • Express interest in the activities of the Knowledge Centre.
  • Participate in specific activities and events.
  • Stay informed and consulted.
  • Have space to propose changes, join activities, etc.
  • Be recognised.
  • Do beta-testing or learn early about educational opportunities.
  • Exploit early as early adopters.

Discover our National Knowledge Centres

Italian KC

Led by UNIGE

Lithuanian KC

Led by LEI

Irish KC

Led by NUIM

Slovakian KC

Led by STUBA

Greek KC

Led by EELI

Portuguese KC

Led by LNEG

Spanish KC


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