Energy and Sustainability Conference

Conference chairs

Chair Prof. Alexandros Vazakas

Alexandros Vazakas is an architect (NTUA) and Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Technical University of Crete. He holds a postgraduate degree from Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, and a PhD from NTUA. His work has been widely exhibited and published, and he has received awards in national architecture competitions. His research focuses on sustainable tourism, restoration, urban public spaces, and architectural design education, with additional interests in social housing, parametric design, and digital fabrication. He directs the Digital Fabrication and Rapid Prototyping Lab at T.U.C. (

Co-chair Prof. Patricia Pereira da Silva

Patrícia Pereira da Silva is an Associate Professor with Aggregation. She graduated in Business Organisation and Management from the University of Coimbra’s Faculty of Economics in 1994. She began her career at Caixa Geral de Depósitos, where she assessed investment projects and corporate credit. In 1996, she joined the University of Coimbra, where she later earned a PhD in Business Organisation and Management (Finance specialisation) in 2006. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics, teaching finance, accounting, and energy markets. Her research focuses on investment project evaluation, finance, energy markets, and sustainable energy systems.

Chair Prof. Mattia De Rosa

Mattia De Rosa is an Associate Professor of Thermal Systems and Industrial Energy Engineering at the University of Genoa, Italy, within the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. With a multidisciplinary academic background, he has previously held teaching positions at the University of Sassari, Italy, and senior research roles at leading institutions in Ireland and UK. His expertise is focused on sustainable energy technologies and policy, with a research portfolio encompassing numerous peer-reviewed publications, high-impact national and international research projects, and the creation of innovative educational programs.Passionate about both research and teaching, his vision emphasises driving technological innovation, advancing the quality of education, and empowering individuals and communities to lead the transition toward a sustainable future.

Organising committee

Co-chair Prof. Aleksandros Vazakas

School of Architecture – Technical University of Crete

Associated Prof. Maria Mandalaki

Technical University of Crete

Prof. Despoina Dimelli

Technical University of Crete

Laboratory Teaching Staff Charalambos Doulaverakis

Technical University of Crete

Head of Administration
Kalli Rodopoulou

European Education & Learning Institute

Head of Education Chrysi Koundouraki

European Education & Learning Institute

Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Laura Aelenei

NationalLaboratory of Energy and Geology of Portugal

Prof. Vincenzo Bianco

Department of Engineering – University of Naples Parthenope

Prof. Rafik Belarbi

Laboratory of Environmental Engineering – University of La Rochelle

Dr. Carmelina Cosmi

National Research Council of Italy

Prof. Oana Driha

Department of Economics - University of Alicante

Prof. Donal Finn

School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering – University College Dublin

Prof. Saman Nimali Gunasekara

Department of Energy Technology – KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Prof. Carla Henriques

Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração University of Coimbra

Prof. Oana Ionescu

Institute of Engineering and Management – University of Grenoble Alps

Prof. Ricardas Krikstolaitis

Faculty of Informatics – Vytautas Magnus University

Prof. Carla Montagud Montalva

Energy Institute – Polytechnic University of Valencia

Prof. Sergio Nardini

Department of Engineering – University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”

Dr. Per Sieverts Nielsen

Department of Technology, Management and Economics – Denmark Technical University

Prof. Fabiano Pallonetto

School of Business – University of Maynooth

Prof. Dusan Petras

Department of Building Services - Slovak Technical University of Bratislava

Prof. Pia Ulvenblad

School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability – University of Halmstad

Dr. Rolandas Urbonas

Lithuanian Energy Institute

Dr. Joao Pedro Gouveia

Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Prof. Mariusz Filipowicz

Faculty of Energy and Fuels – AGH Krakow

To be announced